Spread of the Official style
The Official style incorporates not only the formal architectonic and decorative elements, but also the all-important iconographic programme.
The Official style incorporates not only the formal architectonic and decorative elements, but also the all-important iconographic programme. The decoration of different areas of the building according to different elements of the ruler’s objectives helped to publicise the emperor’s, or the Pope’s, religious, social or political programmes. Beside the mythological heroes, the virtues of the ruler were also symbolised in order to present him as the defender of Christianity and underline the attributes of a good and successful reign.
The Recapture of Buda in 1686

Budapest History Museum
Budapest, Közép-Magyarország / Central Hungary, Hungary
Romeyn de Hooghe
Engraving and etching on paper
Hungary was a bastion against the Turks. The engraving depicts a battle scene, complete with representations of the commanders, to symbolise the emperors success.