Devotion and Pilgrimage
Devotional objects
Most votive achievements are associated with efforts to ensure eternal glory on earth and in heaven.
Most votive achievements are associated with efforts to ensure eternal glory on earth and in heaven, with death seen as a gateway to eternal life. During this time of high mortality there was a strong motivation for individuals to leave something in this world to ensure posterity. Residences were built on the concept of “via triumphalis”, the high point of which is seen in the ancestor halls which combine both the history and virtue of the family, as do the mausoleums. Significant donations include epitaphs, which located in a church space, are always associated with finance and material gifts.
Crypt of the Capuchins in the Church of the Immaculate Conception

Rome, Latium, Italy
Father Raffaele da Roma?; Father Norberto Baumgartner di Vienna?
A place for spiritual meditation on the mystery of death and resurrection, the partly-constructed rooms are completely covered with skulls and bones.